Friday, September 26, 2014

Unit 1

Inertia/Newton’s 1st Law
  • .An object at rest will stay at rest until a force is acted upon it
    • The friction between the paper and cup isn't enough to make the cup move though the paper was snatched from under it
      • Inertia is a property that states that an objects state of motion remains the same
  • An object in motion will stay in motion unless a force is acted upon it to stop it
  • An object with a lot of mass will also have a lot of inertia
Net force and Equilibrium
  • Net Force is the total force being acted upon an object
    • Force is a push or pull
      • Force is measured in newtons, or N
    • When net force equals 0, the object is at an equilibrium
      • Equilibrium can occur at two different times
        • When the object is at rest, and when the object is moving at a constant velocity
        • When an object is at equilibrium, the forces canceled each other out
        • I push 5N to the left and you push 5N to the right,
    • Ex: I push 5N to the left and you push 10N to the right the net force on this object is 5N to the right
  • Speed and velocity are not the same thing
    • Speed is how fast something is going at a certain rate
    • Velocity is how fast something is going at a certain rate but it adds the magnitude direction
    • An object can go at a consistent speed and not have a constant velocity because velocity has direction
  • v=d/t
  • When velocity is changing, the object is accelerating
  • Arrows which are vectors can be used to show an objects direction and how big it is can show you how fast it is going
  • Ex= Ike is goes 6 meters after 2 seconds. How fast is he going?
    • 6m/2s= 3m/2

  • .Acceleration= ⌂v/t
  • Acceleration is the rate at which something changed velocity
  • If something has a constant velocity,it cannot have an acceleration
  • If something is accelerating therefore, it cannot have a constant velocity
  • The units for acceleration are m/s^2
  • The rate of acceleration in free fall is equal to 9.8 m/s^2
    • This is gravity and it is constant
  • When you are driving on the highway and you start to speed up you are accelerating
  • When you are on cruise control you are not
Using a graph
  • When given distance and time an object was in motion, we can find out the acceleration as well as the velocity
    • The y axis must have distance
    • The x axis must have time or time^2
      • If the time is 3 then time^2 equals 3*3=9
  • When acceleration is constant
    • The graph with time will be exponential 
    • The graph with time squared will be linear
      • This slope will be equal to the 1a/2 in d=(1a/2)t^2
  • When velocity is constant
    • The line will be linear
    • The slope is equal to the velocity
      • This is because v=d/t
  • When you use a scatter plot for your data, you must make a best fit line
    • It should be the median with all of your points and can give you a solid idea of where the line may be in later point
    • The slope of the best fit line also tells you the correlation of your plot based on its sign