Monday, February 2, 2015

Blogpost 4

A. Rotational and Tangential Velocity

  • Factors of Circular motion
  • Tangential motion
    • Linear speed of something moving in a circle
    • How fast an object with a circular path is moving
    • Usually measured in m/s or km/h
  • Rotational Speed
    •  Also called angular speed
    • Evaluates the number of full revolutions an object does over a period of time
    • On a line from the center of a circle to a point on the outside, all objects on the line will have the same rotational speed
    • If you begin at the center of a table and crawl outwards as it spins the rotational speed will remain the same
  • Tangential speed is directly proportional to rotational speed at any fixed distance from the axis of rotation
  • Examples
    • 2 kids are on a merry go round. One is on the outside and one is on the inside. The one on the outside will have a greater tangential velocity but they both will have the same rotational velocity. This is because the make the same rotations in a period of time but the one on the outside will cover a much greater distance.
    • 2 gears. One large and one small. They will both move one tick at a time, but since one tick is the same distance they will move at the same speed. On the other hand the smaller one will have a greater rotational velocity because it may have 10 ticks and the other has 30. So they move at the same tangential speed but the small one will make 3 full revolutions as the big one makes one.
B. Rotational Inertia
  • The property of an object to resist changes in its rotational state of motion
  • Greater rotational inertia makes it much harder for it to fall or rotate over
  • Something rotating will continue rotation while something not rotating will remain at rest
  • Dependent on mass
    • More specifically mass distribution
    • The further the mass is from the axis of rotation the greater the rotational inertia will be making it harder for the object to rotate
  • Tightrope walkers use long poles to take advantage of this
    • The pole has a great rotational inertia and the longer the pole the harder it would be for them to rotate
  • An object with a high rotational inertia is harder to get sped up, but once they begin rotating they have a tendency to continue rotating
    • A long baseball bat is much harder to swing but it will continue to rotate once it begins to rotate
    • A ring will lose to a solid marble regardless of their mass because a hoop has a great rotational inertia
      • It is much harder to get spinning
C. Conservation of Angular Momentum
  • If no external net torque acts on a rotating system, the angular momentum of that system remains constant
  • With the weights far away from the axis of rotation he moves at a slow speed but when he pulls the weights in close to him, he speeds up
    • Though he goes much faster the angular momentum remains the same
    • If he were to put the weights back out, he'd slow down again
    • Pulling the weights in makes him easier to spin because 
  • Similarly, a diver in the air
    • While flipping divers will sometimes "tuck" 
      • Brings legs in towards chest and curls up with a "cannonball"
      • Allows you to rotate much faster because you decrease your rotational inertia
    • As he goes up he will go slow
    • As he tucks, his rotational speed will increase
    • As he leaves the tuck, his rotational speed will go back down
    • Throughout the entire flip his angular momentum remained the same
D. Torque

  • Rotational counterpart of force
  • Torque causes a rotation or twist of an object
  • Defined as torque= lever arm x force
    • Lever arm is the part of the system that provides leverage
    • The shortest distance between the applied force
  • Torque is directly proportional to both lever arm and force
  • The ratio of effect lever arm an force have on torque is 1:1
    • They have equal effects on torque
  • 2 children on a seesaw
    • One is twice the force as the other
    • The smaller one will need a bigger lever arm so must be further from the center of the seesaw
E. Center of Mass/Gravity

  • Center of Mass
    • CM
    • The average position of all the mass that makes up an object
    • A symmetrical object will have its center of mass directly in the center
    • An irregular object will have its center of mass closer to the bigger side
    • The center of mass doesn't have to touch the object at all
  • Center of Gravity
    • CG
    • Same as CM since mass and weight are proportional
  • The center of mass cannot go beyond the base of support or the object will rotate/fall over
  • This is why athletes are told to crouch and bend their knees.
    • Much harder for them to fall over 
    • Much harder for them to get knocked over
F. Centripetal/Centrifugal Force

  • Centripertal
    • Center seeking
    • Pulls inward toward the center of a circle
    • Tin can whirling on a string, you must keep pulling the string
      • String omits the centripetal force
    • Centripetal force depends on the mass of the object
    • Also depends on tangential speed and radius of the circle
  • Centrifugal Force
    • Center fleeing
    • Not real 
  • Turning car is by properties of inertia
    • Nothing made you stop, so you continued going straight

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